Throughout my career, I have hired dozens of coaches for my own personal growth. I needed help at different stages: figuring out a career path, transitioning to a working mom after I had kids, preparing for my first role as a manager, transitioning to an executive position – to name a few… What it did for me is immeasurable. Those coaching engagements helped me clear the muddy waters and develop a plan to better excel at each of those turns. I probably would have gotten there on my own at some point, but I’m sure I would have taken a few trips down some rabbit holes before I figured it out. In essence, it accelerated my growth. I just got to where I wanted to be, faster and more effectively.
As a Master Certified Coach, I have coached hundreds of people in all stages of life and work over the last 10 years. One of the things I discovered is a misnomer about “Coaches” in general. So, I will offer you my two cents: Coaches are not perfect, nor do they have all of the answers. Coaches are typically people who are deeply inquisitive and passionate about their own journey in life and are passionate about helping others grow and thrive.
Coaching is not about giving you the answers for your life. Think of it more as a trail guide that can help you uncover the blocks/opportunities and answers that you have within YOU. After all, it is YOUR life, YOUR career, YOUR journey.
YOU are in the Driver’s seat.
All coaching engagements are customized based on your unique needs. Together, we will co-create a 3, 6, 9 or 12 month coaching program.
Want to live a Greenlight Life? You have permission to proceed!
Coaching in the News
“People are looking to coaches as sounding boards and motivators who can offer a fresh perspective on career and life problems – but without the conflicting agenda of a spouse, family member, or even a mentor.” – Fortune Magazine
“Coaching is not about the past or figuring out why and how life got so complicated or overwhelming. It is about moving forward on the things that matter most to you, dissolving barriers and blocks to your own success, and designing a life that you love. A personal coach is better than a best friend.” – Sausalito Networking, Inc.
“Part consultant, part motivational speaker, part therapist, and part rent a friend, coaches work with managers, entrepreneurs, and just plain folks, helping them define and achieve their goals – career, personal, or most often, both.” Newsweek Magazine
“What’s really driving the boom in coaching, is this: as we move from 30 miles an hour to 70, to 120, to 180? As we go from driving straight down the road to making right turns and left turns to abandoning cars and getting on motorcycles? The whole game changes, and a lot of people are trying to keep up, learn how to not fall off.” – John Kotter, Harvard Business School